Your hearing is a precious sense.
It connects you to your surroundings, enables you to participate in life's conversations and makes you feel part of the rich soundscape of our world…However, as Londoner's, living in a city that is polluted with harmful levels of noise, our hearing health is continuously at risk.
Sadly, most people decide to visit us for there first hearing check when damage has already occurred. We want to encourage you to be more aware and to look after your hearing just as you would your eye's, teeth, skin and any other bodily function.
I know what you are thinking, "I need to take time off for yet another appointment!" "How do I find the time?"We know how difficult it is to find time for these sorts of things. But it is important and so to help you start a habit of becoming aware of and looking after your hearing health, we have set up a self-test system in our clinic that you can administer and complete in under 3 minutes.
All you need to do is click on the link, book a slot and come in to run your test. On the day of your self assess, our host will check you in, show you to the self-assess room and off you go. Once you are done, you can get back to your day, and a report will be waiting for you in your inbox.
Alternatively, if you wanted to have a quick chat about your hearing, a Cubex team member is always around.