Ways Meditation Can Benefit Businesses
We recently read an article about ways in which meditation can benefit businesses both in terms of impacting positively on individuals within an organisation and the performance of the business as a whole. At Cubex, we offer a corporate wellbeing programme to businesses. The programme is based on our effective and popular cognitive hearing healthcare programme called CALM and utilises clinical mindfulness and lifestyle practices in conjunction with Audiological science to enhance personal and professional well-being. CALM is a mindfulness-based approach to cognitive hearing health and promotes healthy hearing, good communication, understanding & compassion. We know that meditation and mindfulness are beneficial for our health - but how can it bring benefit to businesses and what does it have to do with hearing?
Clarity and focus:
The experience of high levels of unhealthy stress in daily life is not uncommon in modern society. In fact, it seems to be the rule and not an exception. Being busy, existing with little sleep, compromising on nutrition, working long hours and feeling stressed in general is the norm.The experience of chronic stress can have adverse effects on our well-being. It is known to impact on digestion, heart rate, respiratory rate, the effectiveness of our immune system. It also inhibits our ability to think, focus attention and affects our hearing. Employees who experience chronic stress will struggle to utilise these human functions in order to be effective on a day to day basis. Clarity and focus are both a byproduct of the calm that meditation brings. With better focus, employees become equipped with better and more rational decision-making skills.
Employee loyalty:
A company that cares enough about employees to offer a workplace wellness program will lead to more engaged and loyal teams. This is a well-established relationship - look after your employees, and they'll be more likely to stay! Beyond this, looking after the wellness of your employees should lead to lower levels of sickness, absenteeism and staff retention.Loyal employees will be more motivated to strive to meet company goals and feel the success of the company is directly related to their own success.
Improved communication:
With meditation comes improved clarity and focus, and with improved clarity comes better communication. Equally, meditation and mindfulness foster a more positive outlook and attitude which can help someone to foster healthier relationships with co-workers. Communication between teams, management and employees is fundamental to business success, and meditation can help to improve that communication.
Decreased sickness:
Meditation has a wealth of healing powers when it comes to our health, especially when it comes to stress. We already know the havoc stress can play on our minds and bodies, leading to higher levels of sickness and absenteeism. An employee wellness programme which features meditation can help to reduce stress levels and improve overall health, leading to fewer sick days and healthier employees!
Cognitive performance & productivity:
Meditation and mindfulness are fantastic tools for decreasing stress and helping to build resiliency. It can also have a positive impact on memory and cognitive function, actually supporting the brain to increase attention span, improve focus and memory. With improved cognitive function, communication skills, fewer sick days and better stress management, employees are inevitably going to become more productive! When the productivity of individuals improves, the productivity of the company as a whole improves which is only going to lead to a boost in profits and ROI.
Corporate wellbeing at Cubex:
We utilise CALM in our workplace wellness programmes because it is beneficial for anyone seeking to enhance their capacity to respond to everyday demands efficiently, improve their cognitive well-being, and incorporate meditative practices into their personal and professional routine. CALM, while a clinically-based wellness programme, will serve a real-world benefit for anyone interested in learning and finding out more about how to live with greater awareness.
There are so many benefits for all, particularly for those experiencing a hearing loss or hearing condition, so please get in touch with us at our Marylebone clinic if you are interested in learning more.