Far More Than Just Clinical Treatment
We understand that successful, enduring patient care requires far more than just clinical treatment. Hearing loss can have a profound effect on mental wellbeing.
The inability to communicate properly will often cause the sufferer to become introverted, and step back from society. Diagnosing and treating the hearing loss itself is a start, but it does not represent a complete recovery. The CALM programme has been developed to ensure that full recovery is achieved for our patients.
We do not hear with our ears, we gather sound with them. It is our brain that processes the signals from the ears, and gives us a perception of sound. For patients with reduced hearing, hearing technology bridges the gap between the ears and the brain. We call this ‘bottom-up’ support. It does not however represent a complete cure for the patient. Managing how we, as individuals engage with the acoustic information sent to our brain, is also part of the process. We call this ‘top-down’ support. There are a whole host of factors which affect our ability to process acoustic information effectively during our daily life. Our proprietary CALM Programme was developed to provide our patients experiencing reduced hearing ability, tinnitus, balance disorders, anxiety and unhealthy levels of stress, with this top-down support.