Cubex Weekly TIP - Hearing vs Vision

THIS WEEK'S TIP: GET YOUR HEARING CHECKED AS REGULARLY AS YOUR VISION[vision_divider style="hr-solid"]As with the eye, the ear’s performance is affected by wear and tear. However, reduced vision gradually makes reading harder as the letters get smaller, but hearing loss is different.

"It’s like a Jigsaw puzzle with pieces missing or reading a book with letter’s missing"

Adam ShulbergSenior Audiologist and Managing Director

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image001Like our sight, our hearing is constantly changing. Unfortunately, hearing is an easy thing to take for granted. People get their eyes and teeth checked on a regular basis, but hearing is hardly ever on the list.Studies show that as people lose their hearing, they are more prone to depression; they withdraw socially and communicate less with family and friends. After all, you can’t participate in conversation if you can’t hear what’s being said!If you recognise some of this then it makes sense to seek advice. There are many good reasons to have your hearing checked annually, but the most important is your own peace of mind.

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