Join our online sessions: Oticon More™ - A new perspective in hearing health technology
We are excited to be hosting 2 online sessions for our valued patients to explore the latest advances in BrainHearing™ technology and Oticon More™ hearing instruments.
Spaces are limited to 10 guests per session and is 45 minutes in duration.
Reserve your place today
Wednesday, 17 March 2021
Session 1 - 11:00
Session 2 - 15:00
Please e-mail Osita Afam to secure your booking.
A link to join the online session will be sent to you a day before the session. Spaces are limited so get in touch soon.
The invitation is exclusive to Cubex patients and their families.
If you are not a patient of Cubex, we are open to taking expressions of interest. Please e-mail Amanda Jaundoo so that we may consider the creation of a suitable session.
Why giving your brain the full perspective matters with Alison Stone, Oticon & Adam Shulberg, Cubex
Hearing is a complex cognitive process, and recent research reveals that the brain needs access to the full sound scene to work as nature intended. The new Oticon More™ is the world’s first hearing aid to give the brain the full perspective, thanks to a revolutionary approach to sound processing using a deep neural network.
In this information session we’ll explore this new technology with Alison and examine the benefits it can bring to your daily life. We’ll also take a look at the validation studies that confirm the added benefits over previous technology.
Alison is an Audiological Scientist and national Training Manager for Oticon UK. She has a passion for teaching, and is continually inspired by the life-changing impact of developments in hearing technology.
Alison’s journey in Audiology began with an honours degree in Speech Pathology and Audiology at the University of the Witwatersrand. Her clinical roles have included audiology at a government community health centre, dispensing hearing aids in private practice, and electrophysiological & vestibular diagnostics for ENT practices.
She joined Oticon South Africa in 2005 and in 2008 she joined Oticon UK where she currently leads all training and education activities. This self-confessed audiology nerd is inspired by the life-changing impact of new hearing technologies, and driven by a continuous quest for new knowledge and a passion for teaching.
3 years treatment and care for the price of 2
Guests attending one of these online sessions will be eligible for a 3 year treatment plan including Oticon More™ hearing technology. This promotion is exclusive to attendees only.
What would a Cubex treatment plan with Oticon More™ look like?
*The 3 year treatment plan is exclusive to participants of the online sessions on March 17th, 2021, is a one off that cannot be repeated for future plans and cannot be used in conjunction with other promotions. Please note, this is a sample plan and could differ slightly based on individual needs.
**Ear health check and wax removal session must be used within 6 months