Food For Brains: Cinnamon Carrot Pancakes & Coconut Ice Cream

This really is one of the most deliciously healthy desserts I have had… the coconut ice cream sitting on top might be a little on the decadent side, but the slight crunch of the fresh coconut in each bite is just heavenly. I do really love the healthy, clean and delicious OPPO ice cream, so if you’re in the UK, I’d definitely recommend serving this pancake with a scoop of their ice cream (either the Madagascar Vanilla or Salted Caramel flavour).

Makes 2 medium pancakes


2 carrots, grated
5 tablespoons oat flour
1 tablespoon corn flour
1 teaspoon cinnamon powder
½ teaspoon cardamom powder
4 tablespoons honey
2-3 teaspoons coconut oil
To serve: 1 tablespoon flaked or chopped almonds1 scoop OPPO ice cream for each pancake (or any ice cream)
Drizzle of maple syrup


Mix together the grated carrots, oat flour, corn flour, cinnamon, and cardamom in a mixing bowl, so that it forms a slightly sticky dough. Heat a teaspoon of the oil in a small pancake pan and once it melts, place half the carrot mix/batter on the pan and flatten to the sides using the back of a spoon, forming a round pancake. Let this cook on medium heat for a few minutes, check to see if it has turned a little brown, and once brown, turn and cook on the other side. Add a few extra drops of oil if needed and when both sides are lightly brown and cooked, serve with a few flaked almonds, ice cream, and maple syrup.

Cubex Brain Energy Tip:

Cinnamon – Just 2 teaspoons of cinnamon provides about half the RDA of manganese, a powerful antioxidant that is crucial for brain and body health.

Carrots are known to be the go-to food for good eyesight.  However, they provide great benefits for the brain too. According to a study published in 2010 in the journal Nutrition, the high levels of luteolin found in carrots could reduce age-related memory impairment and inflammation in the brain.

Coconut oil has gone from bad food status to superfood status and for a variety of good reasons including its great potential to delay brain aging and to help with treating memory loss and other neurological diseases including dementia. Researchers also found that coconut oil can be as effective for depression as prescription antidepressant medications, without the side effects.  This success was attributed to coconut oil’s unique combination of medium-chain fatty acids and antioxidants.

Source: BeBrainFit 


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