THIS WEEK'S TIP:BRUSH, DISINFECT, DEHUMIDIFY[vision_divider style="hr-solid"]On this week’s TIP we introduce you to Cubex Patient Relations Manager, Wayne Chan, who talks about developing a daily routine for caring for your hearing technology.

It's really important to maintain a daily cleaning routine to ensure maximum performance of you hearing instruments

- Wayne Chan, Patient Relations Manager, CubexOur team know how much you rely on your hearing instruments and understand the anxiety and frustration you may feel when they stop performing at its best and this week Wayne shares his top 3 TIPS for ensuring that your hearing instruments function effectively, all day, every day![vision_divider style="hr-solid"]  Living with hearing loss is tiring and it affects our memory and ability to recall information. We need to use so much cognitive resource in order to hear that it leaves us with fewer resources for other functions and so, getting through the day can be very stressful, frustrating and isolating.Our cognitive capacity is finite and at Cubex we have a real appreciation and understanding of how best to use our limited cognitive capacity as effectively as possible.Strategies, tools, techniques and hearing technology used in our treatment and management plans aim to help you make the best use of your cognitive capacity so that you can do more and remember more information more with greater ease and less stress.

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Widex EVOKE™ - The Worlds First Machine-Learning Hearing Aid


Cubex Weekly TIP - Open Sound Vs Directionality