Summer 2015 Open Air Theatre, Regents Park

Summer is here and another Regents Park Open Air Theatre season embraces us.London’s only professional outdoor theatre offers a range of productions set in the beautiful surroundings of the Royal Park.Located within the Inner Circle of the park and accessible via Queen Mary's Garden, the open air theatre runs from May to September.Its steeply raked auditorium is one of the largest in London with 1,250 seats, yet those who attend say it is one of the most intimate.Each night an incomparable atmosphere is created by the buzz of people enjoying their theatregoing in every sense: friends setting up hampers on the picnic lawn, filling their glasses with wine or drinking Pimm's in the bar as the fairy lights twinkle in the trees. So grab your picnic mat and a bottle of wine and enjoy the show under an evening summer sky.See whats showing this monthSource: Regents Park Open Air Theatre




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