Coronavirus and maintaining your wellbeing 6th May 2020
We are going through a challenging time right now and you might be worried how this could impact your wellbeing. Whether you are staying at home alone, with your family or with friends, it can be a time of heightened stress and anxiety, and everyone responds differently so there is no right or wrong way to feel.Mental health and wellbeing is so important and we want to help you to maintain your wellbeing as much as we can. We have put together some tips and things to try which we hope can help anyone experiencing stress or anxiety.
[divider]Look after your health[/divider]
Whilst many businesses have closed their doors, the government has outlined a huge list of essential services which are to remain open and this list includes most health and medical services. Don’t assume that you will have to wait weeks or even months to address a health concern; get in touch with your healthcare provider and see what help is available to you.Many essential services are operating remotely using video channels, and many essential healthcare services are still available in person with social distancing measures in place. Your health matters more than ever right now, so don’t delay getting the support you need.Cubex have made many of our hearing consultations available online and many of our hearing tests are available via remote services, or at our clinic without needing to interact with an audiologist. Learn more.
[divider]Take time to rest and recover[/divider]
It can seem like we are surrounded with a lot of bad news at the moment, and combined with the government regulations to stay at home, it is easy to feel isolated, frustrated and anxious. We are social beings and the idea of having to deprive ourselves of connection and physical closeness can in itself create stress for us.Make it your intention to use this time as an opportunity to allow yourself to stop, breathe, move and to recover from the accumulated stress and demands of the life we lead. Read the book you never get time to get to. Take long walks. Eat well. Spend this valuable time with loved ones, pets and most of all, with yourself.Read a more detailed blog with tips to help you rest and recover.
[divider]Read up on the financial support available[/divider]
For many, the COVID-19 pandemic has been more than a health concern but also a financial and economic concern. The government has announced many plans to help individuals, businesses and the self-employed and so we recommend reading up on what support is available to you. There is more financial help available than just the main policies announced in the headlines, particularly for businesses, so it might provide some comfort to read up and know how you will be supported if regulations stay in place for a while. Remember that we are all in this together, and the budgets have tried to cover all bases so its worth looking into.
Meditation allows you the space to recuperate. If you have not meditated before then now is a great time to learn and to reap the benefits. Try some short online guided meditations such as the below.If you are interested in setting up and receiving regular virtual guidance from our mindfulness and meditation teacher during this period, get in touch.
[divider]Allow yourself to enjoy time with loved ones[/divider]
If you are fortunate enough to be staying at home with loved ones, allow yourself to enjoy some quality time. It is so seldom we are given the space to stop and be present. Use the downtime and weekends to enjoy time with children without any external pressures. It is important that we stay at home to protect our NHS and save lives. Let us use this time to reconnect with those we love and with ourselves, without compromise.