Empowerment, sustainability and a long awaited dream come true!
In January 2013, The Britain Nepal Otology Service (BRINOS) in partnership with BRINOS Ear Health Community Service (BEHCS) started work on the new BRINOS Ear Care Centre (BECC) in Nepalgunj; a remote region, far from the existing facilities in Kathmandu, beyond the southern part of the Himalaya mountain range.This November, the team were able to move in and start working in the new facility in the new hospital at last! The Ear Care Centre will provide modern facilities for ear surgery and audiology, both for the visiting BRINOS teams and for the Nepalese ear surgeons and Community Ear Assistants who work with BRINOS. All that remains is the completion of the Operating Theatre.
It was always the aim to provide a fully sustainable program; that is the key. Nepali’s are proud people and their only wish is to be independent. All they need are the “tools” to continue this work.Adam Shulberg
Funding and Donors
Charitable donations fund the vital manpower and equipment needed to sustain the Primary Ear Care and Hearing Aid Programme. In addition funding is required in order to purchase and maintain the specialised equipment needed to undertake middle ear microsurgery. (The team provide for their own travel etc. for the bi-annual Ear Camps to Nepal) The current main funding drive is to complete the Operating Theatre at the Ear Care Centre in Nepalgunj.If you would like to help us achieve our goal, feel free to get in touch on 0207 935 5511 or e-mail us on customerservice@ the progress here.