Brain Awareness Week Special Offer
Listening is where Hearing meets the BrainBeck 2011
Brain Hearing Assessment (2hrs) now just £70, 00Normal Fee - £90,00 [divider]Hearing is a Brain Process[/divider]Hearing is a sense, however, understanding what we hear is a brain process. Your ears deliver sound to your brain where meaning is applied through use of cognitive functions like, listening, understanding and memory.Like our vision, our hearing is constantly changing. However, unlike eye sight, hearing is an easy thing to take for granted and for many, the impact of hearing loss on the brain is often overlooked. If you have a hearing loss, access to your world of sound is compromised and there is less stimulation of the brain. Making sense of speech based communication is difficult and requires more mental effort or ‘brain power’ which often leads to withdrawal from social interaction and an increased risk of mental decline.[divider]What is a Brain Hearing Assessment?[/divider]Hearing assessments at Cubex involves more than a hearing test. In addition to assessing hearing sensitivity, we also explore your ability to listen, understand and make sense of auditory information - all dynamic processes that happen at the level of your brain. Furthermore, we test these cognitive abilities both in quiet and in noise which better reflects how you hearing in the 'real-world'. [divider]How to book[/divider]Improve your hearing now and experience how we can help you communicate with ease and stay socially actively.To book your brain hearing assessment call us on 0207 935 5511 or drop us a message here.Offer valid during Brain Awareness Week.